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Thye Hua Kwan Photo Library

Commissioned by Thye Hua Kwan, to document and tell a comprehensive story of the services they provide. The project was two months long and I managed to photographed over 60 Social Service Centres including; Autism Centres, Disability Centres, Halfway Homes, Senior Activity Centres, Special Needs Childcares and Welfare Homes. Not forgetting the welfare services provided such as House Visits, Health Screenings and Food Delivery for the less fortunate.

This project will be forever be etched in my memory as I witnessed the pain and suffering that is so prevalent yet forgotten by society.The two months taught me how privileged I was as compared to the hundreds I have photographed. I hope these pictures can tell a compelling tale of the side less heard and rarely seen in Singapore. A reminder for us - the fortunate ones, to give back and not forget those left behind.

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